Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

SMA Maryam

SMA Maryam Surabaya, sebuah sekolah menengah pertama yang bernafaskan keislaman dengan haluan ahlussunnahn waljamaah, merupakan sekolah yang baru baru ini mendapatkan sertifikat Sekolah Standar Nasional. Sebuah sekolah yang berusaha mempertahankan nafas dan gerakan islam dalam bentuk pendidikan integratif, baik itu skill ataupun seni.
Dalam perjalananya SMA maryam juga mengalami banyak rintangan dan kendala sebelum mendapatkan sertifikat Sekolah Standar Nasional. Tapi banyaknya rintangan tersebut membuat SMA Maryam makin dewasa dan maju dalam menerapkan dan mengaplikasikan kurikulum. baik itu kurikulum dari pemerintah maupun kurikulum internal SMA Maryam yang kemudian dikolaborasikan dengan life skill.
SMA Maryam itu sendiri berdiri sejak tahun 1977 dan terus berkembang sampai sekarang. Beralamatkan di Jalan manyar Sambongan 119 Surabaya yang dekat dengan berbagai jalan protokol di surabaya membuat sekolah ini banyak menjadi tempat tujuan para orang tua siswa untuk mempercayakan pendidikan anak-anaknya. Posisi geografis SMA Maryam sendiri dekat dengan salah satu kampus ternama di Jawa Timur yaitu Universutas Airlangga (UNAIR) dan juga dekat dengan RSUD Dr Soetomo. Dengan begitu Sekolah ini sangat mudah dijangkau dengan banyak kendaraan umum.

temen-temen aku:


    Anak y baik sih tapi dari segi gue lihat kalau dia belajar pasti bisa
    saran aku:kamu harus raih'lah impian kamu jangan'lah pacaran


 kamu cewek tinggi pintar dan aku lihat kalau persahabat dari temen kamu arinda,maulidya,tya,norma,ineke.
persahabatan kallian mungkin bisa lama


sama kayak junita kamu cewek tinggi pintar dan aku lihat kalau persahabat dari temen kamu junita,maulidya,tya,norma,ineke.
persahabatan kallian mungkin bisa lama


kamu lucu pintar imut semangat raih'lah impian kamu
semngat2 jangan menyerah ^^

5.Tya yulita andriana(10-7-1995)

kamu cantik tapi suka marah tapi gue suka sifat loe
aku bersabar aj lek d marahin karena aku setia ke kamu
tya tetep aku sabar

 kalau kamu mofidah aku gak tahu apa kalau kamu maaf ya

 kalau kamu mitha aku gak tahu apa kalau kamu maaf ya


  kalau kamu maflukha aku gak tahu apa kalau kamu maaf ya


sama kayak junita kamu cewek tinggi pintar dan aku lihat kalau persahabat dari temen kamu junita,maulidya,tya,norma,ineke.
persahabatan kallian mungkin bisa lama



  kalau kamu adani aku gak tahu apa kalau kamu maaf ya

11. ineke
 sama kayak junita kamu cewek tinggi pintar dan aku lihat kalau persahabat dari temen kamu junita,maulidya,tya,norma,ineke.
persahabatan kallian mungkin bisa lama

anak ya baik lucu bisa d ajak becanda gue suka ama andre karena dia lucu


nih aku rahardi bukan jellal atau siegrain hidup aku selalu menyendiri  tapi di golongan aku GMZ mesti kok q d panggil rahardi jellal gak gitu rahardi siegrain y begitu'lah hidup aku

jellal Siegrain Fernandes

Jellal Fernandes (ジェラール・フェルナンデス Jerāru Ferunandesu) is a childhood friend of Erza Scarlet. Before he lost his memory, he was a Dark Mage who tried desperately to revive Zeref by using the R-System. Jellal served as the main antagonist of the Tower of Heaven arc

Jellal is a young man whose most prominent features are his blue hair and a strange reddish marking/tattoo across his right eye, which he had since his childhood.
As his Siegrain alter-ego, he dressed himself in elegant yet simple robes, consisting of a long white tunic with black stripes across the edges and on the upper part of the arms, a decorated collar, large straps connected to decorated buckles closing the inducement on the front over a dark shirt, and matching pants and shoes. He also sported a ring on his right hand's middle finger, and usually had the medallion attesting his status as one of the Ten Wizard Saints around his neck hidden by his jacket's collar.[1]
Jellal himself is seen in more darkish clothes, with his attire consisting of a whitish blue shirt under a hooded dark blue coat with light blue edges, two strings with shield-shaped pendants hanging down from the hood and a prominent golden symbol on the left part of the chest, somehow reminiscent of Fairy Tail's stamp, plus simple loose dark pants tucked inside laced boots. Under these clothes is a special fighting suit for melee combat designed for his Meteor spell, revealing his toned body. In the manga, this takes the form of a close-fitting dark outfit, with a leather-like material composing gloves and boots and covering his shoulders and the upper part of his legs, provided with sets of three holes each, possibly for aerodynamics, and decorated by groups of three thin lines over the arms and legs, with a double set adorning the chest. In this attire, a metal necklace with a small pendant highly reminiscent of the Wizard Saint's one worn by his Siegrain counterpart is visible around Jellal's neck.[2] In the anime, however, his fighting suit was simply portrayed as a skin-tight sleeveless purple shirt paired with extremely loose blue cargo pants, tucked inside simple boots and held up by a light bluish belt, and gloves. Later, after his revival during the Oración Seis arc, he is seen taking the clothes of a defeated Naked Mummy member to cover his partially torn fighting attire (in the anime, the clothes were instead Erigor’s).[3][4] This new attire consists of a long black coat decorated by golden trimmings, white bands around his arms, two red medal-like ornaments on each side of his chest, a tight-fitting shirt reminiscent of the one in his old attire, and loose grey pants held up by a belt and tucked inside boots.

Originally, he was a very kind boy, deeply caring for his friends. He was always cheerful and optimistic even in times of slavery.[5] He most likely lost his parents just like his fellow slaves. After a failed attempt to escape, he readily accepted punishment so Erza wouldn't have to and he never lost his faith in freedom.[6]
Later, as he was manipulated by what he thought was Zeref, he drastically changed.[7][8] He became insane with the idea of building a new R-System.[9] and treated the slaves much better - to an extent that they didn't even think they were still slaves. But through this way, they did more work.[10] He sees his actions as a game even if this will cost lives, including his own.[11]
After he was revived by Wendy Marvell, he suffered from amnesia and he seemed to be somewhat scared of the world.[12][13] Though not remembering his own identity, he remembered the names of Erza and Natsu.[14][15] As he learned of his sins, he wished to die as penance but a scolding from Erza convinced him to instead live to atone for his actions.[16][17][18] To the moment of his arrest after the defeat of Oración Seis, he has apparently returned to his original kind personality.[19]

 As a child, Jellal was forced to help build the Tower of Heaven together with other slaves such as Erza, Shô, Simon, Wally and Millianna, acting as the leading figure of their group.[5]

There, after a failed escape attempt and the reclusion that followed it, he was possessed by what he believed was the legendary Dark Mage Zeref, supplanting his former kind personality with a more violent one, which made him almost completely insane.[20][21][22] He exiled Erza from the island and took control of the construction of the Tower of Heaven in order to resurrect Zeref and thus create a world of "true freedom".[23] He bombed the ship that was supposed to take the slaves off the island and told them it was Erza who had done it after going mad with her newly-acquired Magical power.[24] Believing that she had truly escaped on her own and thus betrayed them, the slaves helped him build the tower for the next eight years as a way of showing their gratitude for saving them from certain death.
Meanwhile, Jellal had worked his way into the Magic Council using a Thought Projection of himself named "Siegrain".[25] Apparently, Siegrain ran into Erza, who thought it was Jellal, but managed to prevent her from attacking him by telling her he was Jellal's twin brother.[26]

Jellal is introduced under the alias of Siegrain, a young member of the Magic Council. With his "underling", Ultear Milkovich, he typically disagrees with the rest of the Council by showing leniency to the Fairy Tail Guild, much to the annoyance of those on the council.[1]
 Seigrain and Ultear discuss with the Council on how Fairy Tail, the one guild the Council is annoyed with, manages to show up and save everyone from Lullaby's terror. Despite Siegrain's arguments that the Council should appreciate Fairy Tail's actions, they continue to be frustrated by their reckless behavior.[27][28] Meanwhile, Erza's and Natsu's fight is interrupted due to Erza's arrest by the council for the destruction caused by their battle against Lullaby.[29] Before she is brought before the council, she meets Seigrain outside the court, who reminds her not to mention "that".[30][31] He then joins the others in prosecuting her, although the arrest is just a formality to assure the world of the Council's power.[32] When Natsu interrupts the proceedings by dressing up as Erza and impersonating her, all Siegrain can do is smile at his actions. He then shows interest at Natsu's capabilities and powers after this incident.[33]
Jellal as Siegrain is revealed to have been the one who set the events on Galuna Island in motion by sending Ultear, under the disguise of Zalty, to use Lyon Bastia and revive the demon Deliora so he can control it. However, Deliora was long since dead, causing the mission to be a failure.[34]
Jellal, in the Tower of Heaven, is being attended to by his intermediate with the Trinity Raven guild, Vidaldus Taka, and sends Shô, Simon, Wally and Millianna to capture Erza in order to use her as a sacrifice for Zeref's resurrection. The group accomplishes this. However, she manages to break free of her restraints and starts fighting with Jellal's underlings.[35][36]
In the meantime, Siegrain is seen with the other Council members at the Council meeting discussing the Tower of Heaven. The Council knows that a mysterious man, Jellal, is the builder of the forbidden tower. However, they are unaware of any other significant information about him.[37] Siegrain, having called his fellow councilors weaklings, tells them the tower is too dangerous, and proposes to use Etherion to destroy Jellal's creation.[38][39] With the help of Ultear, they manage to get most of the members on their side and need one more vote.[40]

At the tower, after Natsu defeats Wally and Milliana, Jellal goes to his chess board made of pieces that represent all the people in his “game” and knocks the two underlings' pieces over, symbolizing their defeat.[41] He is aware that Simon and Shô have betrayed them but this does not bother him and orders the impatient Vidaldus to make their move in the "game". Vidaldus awakens his true form, as his allies, Fukuro and Ikaruga, appear alongside him.[42]

Jellal then uses Magic to communicate with everyone in the tower, telling them it’s time to begin the "Paradise Game". He states the rules are to try to prevent him from using Erza to resurrect Zeref, and that they must get past Trinity Raven to get to him. He then informs everyone that the Etherion will also hit them soon and destroy the tower, so they have an unknown amount of time, and either way, nobody will win and everyone will die.[43]
Back at the Council's meeting, as a final push to get a vote, Siegrain tells the Council that Jellal is trying to use the tower to bring back the Dark Mage, Zeref. The Council is all stunned[44], causing Siegrain's proposition to win with Shitou Yajima remaining the only one against firing Etherion.[45] When asked if he is ready to accept all the consequences of firing that weapon and causing death, Siegrain replies to wait and see.[46]

Jellal continues to knock down pieces on his chess board as the battles in the tower come to an end until Erza defeats Ikaruga and reaches him. As Erza readies to fight him, Jellal states that either way she will be a sacrifice for Zeref.[47] Jellal announces there are seven minutes left until the Etherion strikes, and invites Erza to take full advantage of them. He then attacks Erza with his Darkness Magic. Erza manages to overpower all of Jellal's attacks until she slices Jellal and brings him to the ground, pointing her sword at his throat. She then tells Jellal he failed at completing the R-System because the Tower has no Magic to resurrect because of the need of 2.7 Billion Edeas of Magic Power in order for the tower to activate.

As Erza claims she'll just force him to wait for Etherion's fall to destroy them both, Jellal claims that wouldn't be a bad idea because of how his body was possessed by Zeref, and how he is nothing more than a doll doing his biddings, unable to be saved by anyone. She refuses his invitation to kill him and the two hug each other, waiting for the satellite beam to atone for their "sins". Etherion hits the tower, completely destroying the outer structure, but leaving everyone inside it unharmed.[48] Surprised to be alive after the blast, Erza looks around and notices that the true inner structure of the Tower being, in fact, a gigantic absorption lacrima. Jellal laughs out loudly, claiming to have succeeded in his goal, and explains that the Etherion provided the tower with the required 2.7 Billion Edeas necessary to bring Zeref back to life.[49][50]
In Era, everyone is stunned to see the Tower still standing, and an angry Yajima angrily questions Siegrain, who, without answering, immediately disappears to reappear in the Tower Of Heaven, where his real body, Jellal, is. The both of them proceed to say that Siegrain and Jellal are one person.[51]After the two merge back together, Jellal's full Magical power returns to him.[52] Jellal and Erza start fighting again, this time with Erza being overpowered by Jellal's restored power. Jellal's Bind Snake spell spreads on Erza's body, restraining her and preventing her from moving. Erza is then forced in the R-System crystal to be sacrificed. However, Natsu suddenly appears and pulls Erza out. Erza warns Natsu to leave her as Jellal is too strong, but he refuses and knocks her out. He then readies to fight Jellal who gladly accepts the challenge.[53]
Despite being pummeled repeatedly by Natsu's Dragon Slayer attacks, Jellal stays unharmed and belittles Natsu's abilities. He activates his Heavenly Body Magic and proceeds to deliver blows with unbelievable speed until Natsu falls. However, Natsu comes back up again with steel determination when he overhears Jellal's comment about the destruction in the tower causing Magic to leak out.[54]
Natsu's cockiness and destructive blows towards the tower greatly enrages Jellal, who in turn prepares to cast one of his strongest spells. Erza, awake and aware of the attack's power, defends Natsu with her body. Paying Erza no mind, he launches his Altairis spell towards them. However, Simon appears and uses his body to protect the two, causing his demise. Jellal starts badmouthing Simon's death, calling it foolish and useless, when Natsu suddenly appears before him and angrily hits him with great strength, subsequently starting to eat the lacrima composing the tower itself under Jellal's shocked eyes.[55] Natsu manages to absorb Etherion, entering Dragon Force mode, and starts pummeling Jellal with powerful attacks.[56]
Jellal briefly escapes him with Meteor but continues to be pummeled. He refuses to be defeated and as they keep exchanging words, Jellal begins to cast Abyss Break, a spell that can destroy the tower. Before he can launch it, he feels the aftershock of a slash Erza gave him during their fight, and his Magic fails. This gives Natsu an opening, and as he charges at Jellal’s chest enveloped in an aura resembling a dragon. He then finishes Jellal off by sending him smashing to the ground within a huge blast, which leads the tower to crumble, not being able to contain the massive Magical Energy.[57]
The tower later explodes. On the beach, after Erza's rescue by Natsu, Erza looks out at the sea and hears Jellal's voice saying she’s gotten strong.
[58][59] Erza is surprised and claims it to be impossible; however, a slight smile can be seen on her face. It is revealed that Jellal, freed from the control of Zeref, is most likely the one who saved Erza and Natsu by fusing with the Etherion and guiding its Magic up in the sky.[60]   In the anime, Jellal is seen floating, unconscious, in a massive river of lacrima, which appeared to be the remains of Tower of Heaven after the explosion, and his presumed sacrifice to save Erza and Natsu's lives.[61]
Later, Jellal, apparently in a death like state because of Etherion, ends up through unknown means in the hands of the Dark Guild Oración Seis, whose leader, Brain, is an old acquaintance of his. Jellal is first seen again in a cross-shaped coffin wrapped up in chains, as Brain makes Racer bring him to Wendy Marvell. Wendy mistakes Jellal for his Edolas counterpart, Mystogan, who once saved her life.[62][63]
Because of this, and having witnessed Brain injuring Jellal's unconscious body to prompt her to hurry, Wendy submits to Brain's plans for her to restore him, as Brain believes Jellal can lead the Oración Seis to the Nirvana Magic they're after. Having been given five minutes to think it over, Wendy decides to do so, and Natsu arrives just in time to see him restored and awakened.[64][65] As soon as he sees him, Natsu goes on the attack but is instantly blown away by a Magic spell from Jellal. When Brain compliments him on his power, Jellal turns and knocks him down to a lower level of the base before silently leaving.[66] Having moved quite away in the forest from Oración Seis' hideout, and having taken some clothes from a defeated Naked Mummy member (in the anime, he instead took them from Erigor), Jellal mutters Erza's name.[67]He is next seen being stalked by Cobra, who was given orders by Brain to follow him because he might be heading for Nirvana. Cobra ends up at a large tree and when Jellal touches it, it causes a large pillar of black light to appear and a large tower to sprout from the ground, this being Nirvana's true form.[68][69] Later, Erza manages to reach his position, and it is revealed that Jellal has become amnesiac due to the Etherion event. The only thing he can seem to remember is Erza's name, and he pleads with her to tell him who that person is.[70][71] Erza tells Jellal that she is Erza, and proceeds to explain him who he is and what he did to his comrades, angrily stating that if he doesn't remember such evil deeds she'll strike her sword in his heart to force him to. Jellal breaks down in tears, disgusted by what kind of person he was.[72][73]
Suddenly, Cobra appears, demanding how he came to know about Nirvana. He then says that he only activated it in order to destroy such dangerous Magic which can't fall in the hands of someone else, and reveals the Self-Destruction Spell he cast around Nirvana to destroy it. Ignoring Cobra, he tells Erza that he'll take away her possible hate for him with his own life, having also put the spell on himself to end his miserable life and free Erza from the pain he has caused her and her comrades.[74]
Just then, Brain appears, and, having been informed by Cobra about the situation, calmly tells Jellal that it was he who invented the technique and taught it to him, subsequently nullifying it without the need of cancellation code. He mocks Jellal and unleashes Nirvana in all of its power, with its true form of a gargantuan walking ancient city with six legs being revealed.[75]

Jellal and Erza manage to grab onto one of Nirvana's legs and stand on it. There, Erza persuades Jellal to nullify the self-destruction spell and to live, despite Jellal saying that he failed to destroy Nirvana and that everything is over. She points at the remaining members of Light Team, who are struggling to reach the top of the moving Nirvana, and claims that it's not over and encourages Jellal to live on with a smile on her face.[76] Jellal smiles in return, taking Erza's hand as the two prepare to climb up the gigantic stone leg.[77]
On Nirvana, Midnight appears before them. Jellal battles Midnight first. However, he is easily taken out since the Self-Destruction Spell from before has weakened him severely. Midnight mocks him and then approaches Erza to fight her.[78][79][80]

Immobilized, he is only left to watch Erza and Midnight's battle, with Erza failing to land an attack.[81][82] When Erza is struck again and seemingly defeated, he comments on Midnight's incredible strength and he hears about their initial goal to annihilate the Nirvit in Cait Shelter to prevent the sealing of Nirvana once more.[83] Jellal expresses disgust at their goal but is fiercely reminded by Midnight that he himself is an evil man. Midnight then holds out his hand at Jellal, inviting him to be a member of the Oración Seis. However, Erza revives, express her her belief in Jellal's light[84], and resumes her fight with Midnight, gaining the upper hand this time.[85][86]
An injured Midnight transforms into a massive dark monster before the eyes of the two, subsequently attacking Erza with a powerful blast and stabbing both her and Jellal. Jellal cries out Erza's name, seeing her on the verge of death. However, an unharmed Erza is then seen slashing Midnight before an unharmed Jellal's astonished eyes, revealing the previous as a mere visual illusion caused by Midnight's Magic, which couldn't affect Erza due to her artificial eye.[87]
Later, Nirvana's blast on Cait Shelter fails due to Christina, manned by the Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale delegates, attacking one of its legs.[88] Jellal and the others are then informed by Hibiki Laytis about a way to destroy Nirvana: to eliminate all of the six lacrima crystals empowering it, each one located in a different leg at the same time.[89] Hibiki uses his Archive Magic to communicate with them, inviting them to choose for a crystal to destroy. Jellal is assigned to destroy the sixth crystal.[90]As they prepare to destroy the crystals, Erza mentions that Natsu probably chose the first lacrima, knowing that Brain's alternate personality, Zero, would probably be there. Hearing Natsu's name, Jellal is shocked and utters Natsu's name with a face reminiscent of his old, evil self.[91]
Jellal leaves the task of destroying the sixth lacrima to Wendy and proceeds to the first where Natsu is fighting against Zero and receiving heavy damage without managing to strike the opponent. He interrupts the fight by blasting Natsu with fire. [92] Zero, with a pleased look on his face, asks Jellal wheter he got his memories back, to which Jellal nods. However, it turns out Jellal only remembers Natsu and how he is their only hope of stopping Zero and Nirvana and saving Wendy's guild. The fire he attacked Natsu with is his way of helping. An enraged Natsu runs up to him and punches him in the face, claiming that he's lying. Annoyed, Zero sends Dark Capriccio flying against both of them.[93] Jellal steps in front of Natsu and takes all the damage of the attack upon himself, subsequently falling to the ground. He creates golden flames on his hand and asks Natsu to accept the Flame of Rebuke, the power to defeat Zero.[94]
Natsu finally accepts, taking Jellal's stretched hand and absorbing the flames. He enters his Dragon Force mode.[95] Thanks to Jellal's boost, Natsu manages to defeat Zero, smashing him against the lacrima crystal, destroying it in the very same moment his friends destroy theirs, and thus destroying Nirvana itself.[96]

Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Angel beast

Angel Beats! adalah anime seri jepang sepanjang 13 episode yang diproduksi oleh P.A. Works dan Aniplex yang disutradarai oleh Seiji Kishi. Cerita orisinalnya dikonsep oleh Jun Maeda, yang juga menulis dialog dan menggubah musiknya bersama dengan grup Anant-Garde Eyes, karakter desain original oleh Na-Ga; Maeda dan Na-Ga keduanya berasal dari perusahaan visual novel ternama, Key, yang juga memproduksi Kanon, Air, dan Clannad. Anime ini pertama tayang di jepang antara 3 April hingga 26 Juni 2010. Key bekerjasama dengan ASCII Media Works' Dengeki G's Magazine untuk mewujudkan proyek ini menjadi sebuah media franchise. Dua serial manga telah diserialkan di Dengeki G's Magazine: salah satu diilustrasi oleh Haruka Komowata, yang mana memulai serialnya pada Desember 2009 , dan yang satu lagi diilustrasi oleh Yuriko Asami, yang mana memulai serialnya pada Mei 2010 issue. Serial cerita pedek bergambar telah ditulis oleh Maeda dan di ilustrasi olehGotoP juga telah diserialkan di Dengeki G's Magazine antara November 2009 hingga Mei 2010. Dua acara radio Internet juga telah diproduksi untuk mempromosikan Angel Beats!. bereinkarnasi juga.

Angel Beats! berlangsung di sebuah SMA yang bertindak sebagai Api Penyucian, di mana para siswanya belajar untuk menghilangkan beban sisa-sisa atau penyesalan dari kehidupan sebelumnya, sebelum melanjutkan ke kehidupan setelah kematian atau reinkarnasi. Luka dan kematian tidak ada di tempat ini, walaupun orang-orang di sekolah afterlife ini masih bisa merasakan sakit atau hal lain seperti yang mereka lakukan ketika mereka masih hidup, mereka juga dapat mati lagi, hanya kemudian akan tersadar kembali beberapa saat kemudian tanpa luka. Cerita ini mengikuti seorang protagonis yakni Otonashi, seorang anak yang mengalami amnesia mengenai hidupnya dulu setelah mati. Setelah kebangkitan di akhirat ini, ia bertemu dengan seorang gadis bernama Yuri yang mengajaknya untuk bergabung dengan Shinda Sekai Sensen (SSS) (死んだ世界戦線?, sing. Afterlife Battlefront). Sebuah organisasi yang ia dirikan dan ia pimpin yang berperang melawan Tuhan sebagai protes atas kejamnya nasib para anggota SSS dalam hidup mereka sebelumnya. Musuh mereka satu-satunya di dunia ini adalah ketua OSIS,Angel (天使 Tenshi?), makhluk dengan kekuatan supranatural yang bertempur melawan SSS. Yuri berpendapat bahwa orang yang mengikuti perintah dari Angel dan berperilaku seperti siswa normal di sekolah ini pada akhirnya akan menghilang dan pergi bereinkarnasi. Namun, mereka yang memenuhi impian mereka di akhirat akan pergi bereinkarnasi juga.

Yuzuru Otonashi (音無 結弦 Otonashi Yuzuru?)
pengisi suara : Hiroshi Kamiya
Otonashi adalah protagonis utama Angel Beats!. Karena masa lalunya, ia memiliki kepribadian yang peduli dan tidak ingin orang mengalami rasa sakit atau kesedihan. Setelah kematiannya, ia kehilangan kenangan saat ia masih hidup bahkan melupakan nama lengkapnya sendiri dan hanya mengingat nama 'Otonashi', tetapi akan kemudian mendapatkannya kembali. Ia memiliki seorang adik perempuan yang bernama Hatsune (初 音?, Seiyuu: Mai Nakahara), yang meninggal karena sakit dan merupakan seseorang yang sangat Otonashi sayangi . Ketika adiknya meninggal, ia memutuskan untuk pergi ke sekolah untuk menjadi dokter sebagai alasan hidupnya yang lain setelah kematian Hatsune. Namun, Yuzuru meninggal sebelum dia bisa mengikuti ujian masuk ke perguruan tinggi. Awalnya tidak terampil menggunakan senjata apapun, kemudian ia mulai berlatih keahlian menembak, dan juga dapat menguasai situasi tim ketika mereka berada dalam bahaya. Dia membawa Glock 17. Rasa cintanya kepada Kanade akan tumbuh seiring berjalannya cerita, dan akhirnya Yuzuru menyatakan perasaanya diakhir anime.
Yuri Nakamura (仲村 ゆり Nakamura Yuri?)
pengisi suara : Harumi Sakurai
Yuri, juga dikenal sebagai Yurippe Yurippe (ゆりっぺ?), Memiliki kepribadian yang tekun dan penuh tekat,dialah yang mengundang Otonashi untuk bergabung dengan SSS, sebuah organisasi ia dirikan dan pimpin yang berperang melawan Tuhan. Dia cerdas dan akurat saat membuat suatu operasi dan mengambil keputusan. Dia membawa sebuah Beretta 92 berwarna perak namun juga pernah menggunakan TDI Vector, CheyTac Intervention, dan M4 carbine dengan sebuah majalah drum. Tidak hanya terampil dengan senjata, tapi ia juga mampu dalam pertempuran jarak dekat. Dia bersumpah untuk berperang dengan Tuhan setelah ketiga adiknya dibunuh dan tidak pernah memaafkan dirinya sendiri karena gagal mencegah kematian mereka. Dia adalah pemimpin yang cekatan, tetapi ia sendiri tidak berpikir demikian. Dia tidak benar-benar menyadari bahwa dia benar-benar peduli dan menganggap anggota SSS seperti keluarganya yang lain. Dia bahkan menyesal telah bertarung dengan Kanade kemudian dalam cerita, karena dia merasa dia bisa saja teman baik dengannya.

Angel (天使 Tenshi?) / Kanade Tachibana (立華 かなで Tachibana Kanade?)
pengisi suara : Kana Hanazawa
Angel adalah ketua OSIS di sekolah Afterlife. Hal ini menempatkan dirinya bertentangan dengan SSS sebagai tanggung jawabnya meminta dia untuk menekan kenakalan dan kegiatan lain yang mengganggu kegiatan disekolah. SSS awalnya memanggilnya "Angel" karena mereka tidak tahu nama aslinya, tapi mereka masih memanggilnya seperti itu walau setelah mengetahui nama aslinya adalah Kanade Tachibana. Sulit untuk memahami apa yang ia pikirkan karena dia jarang memperlihatkan emosi luar. Meskipun bersikap lembut dan bertubuh kecil, dia sangat kuat dan hampir tak-tersentuh sampai pada titik dapat mendorong peluru keluar dari luka-lukanya selama pertempuran. Dia menciptakan kemampuannya melalui program bernama Angel Player. Dia memiliki pribadi yang berdedikasi untuk membantu orang lain mengatasi penyesalan mereka dan membuat mereka dapat pergi dengan tenang. Dia sangat menyukai makanan bernama mapo toufu, sebuah hidangan yang sangat pedas.

Shindai Sekai Sensen

Shindai Sekai Sensen (死んだ世界戦線), atau disingkat menjadi SSS atau Afterlife Battlefont adalah organisasi penentang Tuhan yang dipelopori oleh Yurippe. Namun kebodohan tingkah laku para anggotanya sering kali membuat setiap anggotanya menyadari bahwa mereka bodoh.

Hideki Hinata (日向 秀樹 Hinata Hideki?)
pengisi suara : Ryouhei Kimura
Hinata adalah 'moodmaker' di SSS dan juga sahabat terdekat dari Yurippe. Ia juga akrab dengan Otonashi. Ia dan Yui memiliki kebiasaan saling mencela atau bahkan berkelahi satu sama lain. Namun jauh di lubuk hatinya, ia peduli pada Yui, bahkan jatuh cinta pada gadis itu. Selama hidupnya, ia adalah pemain baseball berbakat. Ia juga pelopor panggilan Yurippe karena ia tidak nyaman memanggil Yuri saja. Yuri juga adalah nama ibunya. Ia meninggal setelah tertabrak truk, namun ada hint bahwa Hinata meninggal karena sebelumnya mengonsumsi obat-obatan terlarang setelah ia frustasi atas kegagalannya dalam pertandingan prefektur.

Takamatsu (高松?)
pengisi suara : Takahiro Mizushima
Takamatsu adalah siswa teladan yang memiliki kepribadian yang sopan. Badannya kekar dan terkadang sering melepaskan bajunya untuk memamerkan tubuhnya. Meski menggunakan kacamata, Yurippe tetap menanggapnya idiot.
Noda (野田?)
pengisi suara : Shun Takagi
Berbeda dari anggota SSS lain, ia bertarung menggunakan halberd, sebuah tombak besar. Dia tidak akan mendengarkan siapapun, kecuali Yuri yang sangat ia sukai. Ia juga menganggap Otonashi yang sangat dekat dengan Yuri sebagai rival sepihak. Ia tidak takut untuk menyakiti atau membunuh siapapun yang menghina Yuri.
Shiina (椎名?)
pengisi suara : Fūko Saitō
Shiina adalah seorang kunoichi (ninja wanita) yang bertarung menggunakan kodachi dan shuriken. Ia bisa merasakan saat bahaya datang. Dibalik sifatnya yang selalu misterius, hobinya (juga kelemahannya) adalah hal-hal yang lucu seperti boneka binatang. Ia jarang bicara tapi sering kali mengatakan "asahanakari" (pikiran dangkal) jika ada yang mengatakan hal bodoh.
Yusa (遊佐?)
pengisi suara : Yui Makino
Yusa adalah operator di SSS yang menyampaikan keadaan di medan perang kepada Yuri. Gadis sopan, tenang, dan lembut dengan karakter sederhana. Seperti Angel, dia tidak mengekspresikan emosinya dan disebut menakutkan baik oleh Otonashi maupun Hinata. Dia tidak bisa tenang tanpa earphonenya. Jarang berbicara, dan sekalinya berbicara, kadang-kadang menusuk ke orang lain, meskipun dia tidak berniat seperti itu.
Fujimaki (藤巻?)
pengisi suara : Yūki Masuda
Ia bertarung menggunakan sebuah Shirasaya (pedang Jepang) yang panjang. Ia sedikit sinis pada orang-orang baru seperti Otonashi tapi bukan berarti dia jahat. Berteman baik dengan Ooyama dan kelemahannya satu: tidak bisa berenang.
pengisi suara : Michael Rivas
Anggota SSS yang paling misterius. Ia berbicara menggunakan bahasa Inggris atau kadang Jepang, bahkan suka menggabungkan keduanya. Anggota lain kadang tidak mengerti apa yang dia maksud. Hobinya adalah break dance yang akan dilakukannya dimana saja dan kapan saja tanpa peduli situasi. Tidak ada yang tahu nama asli atau masa lalunya tapi dia hanya mau dipanggil TK. Ia membawa Browning Hi-Power dan LAR Grizzly Win Mag atau PP-19 Bizon dan Submachine Gun selama misi.
Matsushita (松下?)
pengisi suara : Eiichirō Tokumoto
Anggota SSS kerap memanggilnya Matsuhita 5-Dan. Jago judo dan sangat mudah dibujuk dengan imbalan makanan. Ia tidak akan pernah lupa dengan utangnya (baik kebaikan atau uang) terutama jika itu adalah makanan. Ia membawa senjata berat seperti peluncur roket atau senapan mesin ke dalam pertempuran. Setelah melakukan latihan di pegunungan, ia menjadi kurus.

Ōyama (大山?)
pengisi suara : Yumiko Kobayashi
Anak biasa tanpa bakat khusus. Tidak unggul dalam apapun dan bisa dibilang paling normal di antara yang lain. Sifatnya paling polos dan lugu. Hatinya gampang terluka jika melihat temannya "mati". Dalam misi ia kadang membawa Remington 700 atau SIG Sauer P226. Kerap mengatakan, "shimatta! wasuraretta!"

Takeyama (竹山?)
pengisi suara : Mitsuhiro Ichiki
Anak cerdas juga hacker di SSS. Ialah yang membuat "Briefing Manager", program yang digunakan Yuri untuk memberikan misi kepada anggota SSS. Ia selalu menegaskan agar orang lain memanggilnya "Christ" walaupun tidak ada yang menghiraukannya. Dia mencoba untuk melaksanakan semua rencana sesempurna mungkin. Dia tidak terlibat dalam pertempuran atau operasi fisik lainnya, melainkan mengumpulkan data dan informasi.

Chā (チャー?)
pengisi suara : Hiroki Tōchi
Pemimpin di Guild, sebuah tempat dimana persenjataan SSS dibuat. Meski tampak jauh lebih tua, tapi usianya sama dengan Otonashi dan yang lainnya.

Ayato Naoi (直井 文人 Naoi Ayato?)
pengisi suara : Megumi Ogata
Tadinya ia dikira NPC oleh anggota SSS. Setelah meninggal, ia mengembangkan kemampuan hiptonis, kemampuan yang memungkinkannya untuk mengendalinkan orang lain dan membuat mereka memasuki keadaan seperti dalam mimpi. Setelah disadarkan oleh Otonashi, ia bergabung dengan SSS. Ia juga wakil ketua OSIS dan selalu mengklaim dirinya adalah Tuhan. Ayato kerap mengejek anggota SSS dengan sindirannya yang sinis dengan Otonashi sebagai perkecualian. Ayato sangat mengagumi dan mengidolakan sosok Otonashi yang dianggapnya sebagai penyelamatnya.

Girls Dead Monster

Girls Dead Monster (GirlDeMo) adalah grup band yang digunakan oleh SSS sebagai 'decoy' yang mengalihkan perhatian para guru dan siswa lain selama anggota lain SSS melakukan hal-hal ilegal. Anggota GirlDeMo terdiri dari:

Iwasawa (岩沢?)
pengisi suara : Miyuki Sawashiro, Marina (penyanyi)
Iwasawa semula adalah pemimpin dari Girls Dead Monster yang juga sebagai vokalis dan pemain rhytm gitar. Dia juga menulis lirik dan mengkomposisi musik untuk lagu-lagu band tersebut. Dia memainkan gitar jenis Sienna Sunburst/Maple Fender Stratocaster. Pada kesehariannya dia pendiam, dan mampu menarik perhatian pendengar dengan lagu-lagunya yang mengekspresikan perasaanya. Dia menggunakan music sebagai alat melarikan diri dari kedua orangtuanya yang selalu bertengkar semasa masih hidup. Nama lengkapnya adalah Asami Iwasawa. Iwasawa adalah yang pertama kali "lulus" dari akademi ini setelah menyelesaikan penyesalannya.

Hisako (ひさ子?)
pengisi suara : Chie Matsuura

Hisako adalah wakil ketua dalam Girls Dead Monster yang memainkan gitar Fender Jazzmaster electric guitar sebagai lead gitaris. Dia memiliki kepribadian yang jujur dan suka bermain mahjong, yang mana dia memiliki keberuntungan yang luar biasa dalam bermain. Menurut Hinata, Hisaka juga seorang yang atletis dan sangat dikagumi oleh Yui untuk permainan gitarnya.